Rabu, 18 April 2012

Modals in the Past Form


  • Modals are helping words that are used to express:
    • possibility
    • ability
    • degree of certainty
    • level of authority
  • Kinds of modals such as:
    • Can
    • could
    • may
    • might
    • must
    • ought to
    • shall
    • should
    • will
    • would.
  • Modals in the past form are used in the past time.They are could, would, should, and might.
    • Formula of modals is:
      • Modals + verb 1 + O/C.
        • Can be used in every tenses
        • Could is the past tense of can
  • The modal auxiliary could is used:
    • To express an ability in the past:
      • I could always beat you at tennis when we were kids.
    • To express past or future permission:
      • Could I bury my cat in your back yard?
    • To express present possibility:
      • We could always spend the afternoon just sitting around talking
    • To express possibility or ability in contingent circumstances.
      • If he studied harder, he could pass this course.
  • When could is used in the past, it means was able to. Example:
    • I was able to find a parking space.
  • Would is the past tense of will
    • The modal auxiliary would is used:
      • to express a repeated action in the past
      • to express more polite (request) 
        • Would you (please) feed the dog?
  • When would is used in the past, it means “used to”, for example:
    • When I was younger, I would run two hours every day.
      • This means that I used to run two hours every day and now I don`t.
  • When would is used in the present, it show more polite.
    • For unreal condition
      • Mary would go to the Caribbean, but she doesn`t have enough money.(present)
      • Mary would have gone to the Carribbean, but she didn`t have money.(past tense)
  • Would, can is used in the past and present.
  • Might is the past tense of may.
    • Is used to express of granting or seeking permission.
      • Might, I leave class early?
    • To express future possibility.
      • She might be my advisor next semester.
    • To express past possibility.
      • Ann came late this morning, she might have missed the bus.
  • Might is considerably more tentative than may
  • Should is the past tense of shall.
    • Most commonly used to make recommendations or give advice. It can also be used to express obligation as well as expectation.
      • Example:
        • When you go to Berlin, you should visit the palaces in Postdam. (recommendation)
        • You should focus more on your family and less on work. (advice)
        • I really should be in the office by 7:00 am. (obligation)
        • By now, they should already be in Dubai. (expectation)
  • Example in dialogue:
Leona : Hi Eka! Are you busy?
Poppy : No, I`m not busy. What`s happen?
Leona : Oh, good. I want you help me. Would you help me, please?
Poppy : Yes, why not? What can I do for you?
Leona : Hm, help me please, to clean my garden now.
Poppy : No. I won`t. Sorry.

Rizky : Oh. I miss grandchild. I want to meet him.
Fanny : Don`t be sad grandma, Andremight visit us on Saturday.
Rizky : Really? Oh, I`m so happy.
Fann y: Of course.


can't have
e.g. I can't have lost my keys! (I'm sure I didn't)

e.g. When I was a teenager, I could go out as late as I wanted.

general ability
e.g. Tom could walk by the age of 8 months.

could have
possibility, but did not happen
e.g. I could have passed my driving test if I'd really tried.

e.g. I guess it could have been Sandra on the phone.

e.g. When I was a teenager, I couldn't stay out as late as I wanted.

general ability
e.g. I couldn't walk until I was 2.

ability in a particular situation
e.g. I tried hard but I couldn't persuade him to go to the party with us.

couldn't have
e.g. I couldn't possibly have passed my driving test, even if I'd tried harder.

e.g. It couldn't have been Sandra on the phone, could it?

with comparative adjectives
e.g. I couldn't have asked for better weather on my wedding day.

e.g. I couldn't have left the dog in the car for long (so I didn't).

didn’t need to
unnecessary action not done
e.g. As I was alone this weekend, I didn't need to do any cooking (so I didn't).

had to
obligation (past form of must)
e.g. I couldn't go out last night because I had to do my homework.

may have
e.g. I guess I may have been a bit hard on her when she came home an hour late.

may not have
e.g. He may not have found out yet that he has passed the test.

might have
possibility (didn't happen)
e.g. You might have been killed!

e.g. I guess I might have been a bit hard on her when she came home an hour late.

annoyance at someone's failure to do something
e.g. You might have told me that you had invited all your colleagues round for dinner!

might have known + would (idiom to ironically express that somebody's action was typical)
e.g. I might have known that he would finish with me as soon as he found out I wasn't wealthy!

might not have
e.g. He may not have found out yet that he has passed the test.

must have
e.g. He must have known how much it was going to cost. (I'm sure he knew.)

with surely in exclamations
e.g. Surely he must have known how much it was going to cost!

needn't have
unnecessary action that was actually done
e.g. Oh, you needn't have done the washing up!

ought not to have
criticism (more common is shouldn't have)
e.g. You ought not to have been so frank with him.

ought to have
expectation (should have is more common)
Why is she late? She ought to have arrived by now!

should have
Why is she late? She should have arrived by now!

should have + verbs of thinking
e.g. I should have thought you knew.

with be and adjectives, describing chance
e.g. It was weird that you should have been staying in the same hostel last month.

criticism (you didn't do something, but it would have been the right thing to do)
e.g. The party was such fun last night! You should have come!

shouldn't have
e.g. You shouldn't have been so frank with him.

polite expression of thanks on receiving a gift or favour
"Here's a bottle of wine for you"
"Oh, you really shouldn't have!"

would have
events in the past that did not happen
e.g. I wouldn't have gone out with him, but he didn't ask me.

e.g. Oh, that would have been Sarah on the phone just now.

would not
e.g. I asked Tom to close the window, but he wouldn't do it.

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