Selasa, 17 April 2012

Introductory it

1. When the subject is a clause
  • When the subject is a clause, the sentence usually begins with it. So instead of saying ‘That he was once a communist is true’, we say, ‘It is true that he was once a communist’. 
  • It does not matter whether he comes or not. (Whether he comes or not does not matter.)
  • It is required that he should pay the fine. (That he should pay the fine is required.)
  • It is clear that he overheard our conversation. (That he overheard our conversation is clear.)
  • It is clear that you are not interested in this offer. (That you are not interested in the offer is clear.)
  • It cannot be denied that they tried their best to help him. (That they tried their best to help him cannot be denied. )
  • It doesn’t matter whether we buy it now or later. (Whether we buy it now or later does not matter. )
2. Introductory it with seem, appear and look
  • Introductory it is also used with seem, appear and look when the subject is an infinitive phrase, a phrase with a gerund in it or a clause. 
  • It looked doubtful whether she would come
  • It seemed strange that she should behave like that.
  • It seems possible that she may quit the job.
  • It appeared unwise to offend him.
  • It does not seem much good going on with the work.
3. Introductory it as an object
  • It is sometimes used as the object of the verbs think, feel, deem, count, consider etc. 
  • Don’t you think it dangerous to drive so carelessly?
  • I consider it a privilege to have this opportunity of welcoming you.
  • I think it odd that she doesn’t write to me these days.
  • I think it a pity that she could not win.
  • We think it improper that he should be so dictatorial.
  • He made it clear what he wanted.
  • I find it difficult to talk to him.
4. Introductory it in questions
  • The introductory it is sometimes used in questions. 
  • Who was it that broke the window?
  • It is Peter who broke the window.
  • Why was it that he stole the bread?
  • It was because he was poor that he stole the bread.
  • When was it that the manager came? 
  • It was at 10 am that the manager came.

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